Pendlay Row
While most people are familiar with the traditional barbell row, adding the Pendlay row to your pull day will target back strength and muscular development for movements, such as deadlifts, cleans, and snatches. More importantly, the strict form reinforces good biomechanics for weight-lifting specific movements.
The difference between the Pendlay row and the barbell row is the starting position and the range of motion. The Pendlay row requires more power since each movement is pulled from a deadstop and you are consistently held in a loaded hinged position.
A modification for tight hamstrings to ensure the back stays straight throughout the movement is to elevate the ground by placing the barbell on a platform or stacked plates.
The Pendlay row primarily engages your lats, traps, and rear delts. Secondary muscles worked are the hamstrings, biceps, rotator cuffs, lower back, and forearms.