Dumbbell Step Up

Step-ups are the ultimate unilateral lower body exercise. This exercise challenges the body in a very natural human movement pattern. It is pretty common to have an uneven performance between the two sides of the body. By stepping up with one leg at a time, it will ensure that strength is being built equally on each side and not favoring one leg over the other. This improves balance and stabilization.

Step-ups are an excellent strength building exercise as they work both your anterior and posterior chain simultaneously. These are important for working on proprioception; a lack of balance. This movement requires the athlete to control the weight in several planes of motion; both up and down, and forward and backwards. Some key points to executing this movement properly are to load the foot of the leg stepping up and not using momentum or force from the other leg to push upwards through the concentric phase.

Some other benefits of the Step Up are taking stress off the lower back, developing explosive leg power, increasing squat and deadlift strength, its functional nature, and a low risk of injury. The muscles worked by quads, glutes, adductors, hip flexors, hamstrings, calves, and core.


Glute Ham Roller; Hamstring Curl


Barbell Z Press