Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian Deadlift, AKA the RDL, is a prime exercise for developing and strengthening the posterior chain. As a society, we live such anterior lifestyles, which directly affects our posture and injury resilience. Learning how to properly execute an RDL will strengthen the lower back and teach proper biomechanics that can be applied to life and prevent injury.

The key to a good Romanian deadlift is keeping a neutral spine, while extending the hips back to get a stretch in the hamstring. Then you squeeze the glutes on the eccentric back to starting position.

Some other benefits of the RDL are hypertrophy, upper back stability, increased positional strength, increasing deadlift performance, better hip extension, and lengthening tight hamstrings. This movement works your erector spinae, glutes, hamstrings, adductors, and core.


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