Head Supported Reverse Fly

The Dumbbell Reverse Fly is a great accessory movement to add to your upper body day to work your back and rear deltoids. A lot of people neglect working their posterior chain which leads to poor posture and possibly injury. This variation of the reverse fly allows for more control so you can focus on scapular retraction and performing proper biomechanics and tempo.

When the head is supported, it restricts the spine from changing position and prevents you from using momentum to swing the dumbbells. This execution is arguably a better isolation than a regular bent over dumbbell lateral raise or reverse fly. It also helps support and protect the lower back.

Some benefits of the Head Supported Reverse Fly is strengthening muscles that are negatively affected by bad posture and taking lower back and erector spinaetus out of the equation. The primary movers of this exercise are the rear deltoids and the trapezius. The secondary muscles are the medial deltoid, lats, teres minor and major, triceps, and the infraspinatus. The anterior deltoids, pectoral is major, and the biceps all act as antagonistic muscles.


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