TRX Inverted Row

If you aren't using TRX bands in your workout, you’re missing out. TRX stands for total body resistance exercise. These use gravity and your bodyweight as resistance to build strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, core and joint stability.
The TRX inverted row is the perfect exercise to add to your pull day and is challenging for people of all fitness levels from strength athletes to general fitness clients. This exercise works well as a progression towards being able to do pull-ups. If this is too hard, it can be scaled down by putting your feet on the floor.

The key to this exercise is to keep the elbows in, core tight, and hips extended. Some benefits to the TRX Inverted Row are its scalability, increased bodyweight strength, back hypertrophy, better body awareness, scapular retraction, and increased grip strength and core stability. The muscles worked are the lats/back, biceps, forearms, and core.


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